
December, 2nd, 2020

How POS Technology Changed Retail Accounting

The evolution of technology hasn’t left the accounting profession out of it. Access to new accounting software has made the job as an accountant easier. Gone are the days where accountants use pens, papers, and calculator to balance books and verify the ledgers are accurate. Today there have been some number of technological advances that provides you with updated finances, real-time data, and remote control session all through your point of sales software. The ways the retail accounting module in your POS software helps your accountant and business are listed below. Keep reading to find out.  Read More

November, 24th, 2020

How To Retain Profit While Running Discount Sales

Discounts and promotions are one of the most common, and arguably, most effective approaches for increasing retail sales. For example, Black Friday and Christmas sales help make the holiday season the busiest season of the year. Lots of businesses leverage the power of discounts to drive up sales at strategic periods during the year. Read More

November, 17th, 2020

POS Differences – Which do you need for your business?

A Point of Sale solution varies depending on the business type. In instances where you need to choose the right one for your business, you have to arm yourself with information to avoid playing a gamble with your money. It is advisable to speak to a professional who understands the workings of the industry and you can rely on to know these POS differences. So, we prepared an article that breaks down how a retail POS differs from a restaurant POS system.  Read More

November, 9th, 2020

Checklist: How to prepare Your Store for Black Friday

Black Friday is coming! 

Even amidst the coronavirus pandemic and considering the stress that came with this year, we sure deserve a break. What better way than making huge sales while delighting customers?

Here is a checklist to determine whether or not you are ready for Black Friday. If you still have some boxes unchecked, get to it immediately so you can make the most of one of the biggest shopping weekends of the year. Read More

pos feature

November, 3rd, 2020

5 Non-Negotiable POS Features for Business Growth

One of the ways to help your business fully maximize investments from the onset is carefully consider your point of sales system. Making the right choices with this business tool can significantly help you fuel your business growth. In our last article, we introduced the best point of sales for small businesses where we highlighted some necessary features needed for small businesses (read here). This week we are going further to add other non-negotiable POS features to facilitate your business growth. Read More

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