
September, 8th, 2020

Access Control in Schools: 6 Reasons Why It Is Essential

In a society dominated by insecurity, the importance of being safe and secure cannot be over-emphasized. Access control in schools is a valuable part of any school’s strategy. It is an updated and effective method of ensuring access to certain areas of a premise. Access control brings a host of benefits to your school but before we look at its benefit, let’s have a clear understanding of what access control is.  Read More

August, 31st, 2020

Pros and Cons of Having a Self Service Kiosk

Self-service kiosks in restaurants are slowly becoming the norm in many parts of the world. As restaurants continually seek new ways to engage digital-savvy customers, there is a need to look towards innovation by investing upfront in self-service kiosks. There are many upsides to an automated system, but before you contact Pos Shop Limited to get one installed for your business, you want to understand the pros and cons this kiosk has to your business.  Read More

August, 25th, 2020


A retail business buys products or services from a manufacturer or wholesaler and sells them to consumers, right? As easy as this might sound, it takes a lot of initial work and planning to start up the business. However, with the right strategy and adequate planning, your business will stand the test of time. In today’s article, we put together three common retail mistakes and show you how to avoid them. Read More

August, 18th, 2020

5 Reasons Why You Need a Cloud POS System

Admit it or not, we live in a fast-paced digital society, and for data storage, the trends these days are CLOUD storage. For adaptability and growth, Point of sales (POS) systems have followed this innovative trend by using cloud technology. A cloud-based Point of Sales systems, like Hiopos, grants you 24/7 accessibility to your business data safely stored in the cloud. We would, in this article, explore multiple reasons why you need cloud software. But first, what is a Cloud POS? Read More

August, 11th, 2020

How to Attract Customers and Remain Competitive

The hospitality industry is a very diverse and busy one. For owners of fast foods, fine dining restaurants, pizzerias, bistros, and cafes, it is no doubt that attracting customers can be quite challenging, especially this time where customers have various preferences and are not afraid to demand it. To attract customers and remain competitive is an overarching strategy most in the hospitality industry employ, but few know how to go about it. Read More

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